In The News

2021 Mountain States Super Lawyers awards
The 2021 Mountain States Super Lawyers awards have been released and we are pleased to share that ten (10) Garman Turner Gordon attorneys have received this honor. Congratulations to Greg Garman (Bankruptcy/Business), Erika Pike Turner (Business Litigation), Gerald Gordon (Bankruptcy/Business), William Noall (Bankruptcy/Business), Eric Olsen (Business Litigation), Joe Kozlowski (Real Estate), Talitha Gray Kozlowski (Bankruptcy/Business), Kristin Tyler (Estate Planning & Probate), Mark Weisenmiller (Bankruptcy/Business), and 2021 Mountain States Rising Star – Dylan Ciciliano (Business Litigation)!
Kudos Erika Turner!
GTG is proud to announce that Erika Pike Turner has been named to the 2023 Mountain States Super Lawyers list!
GTG Top Lawyers
Congrats to the many GTG attorneys who were named to this year’s Las Vegas Weekly Top Lawyers: Greg Garman, William Noall, Erika P Turner, Christine Murphy, Joe Kozlowki, and Dylan Ciciliano. Congrats to all!
GTG Victory!
GTG obtained a victory on appeal with an en ban decision from the Nevada Supreme Court affirming an approximately [13.9 miillion] trial verdict on behalf of William Leonard, Chapter 7 Trustee.
Top 100 List
GTG is incredibly proud to announce that founding partner Erika Pike Turner was named to the Top 100 List by the 2019 Mountain States Lawyers. Congratulations Erika! We applaud your hard work and dedication to your clients.
9 Lawyers Top List
Garman Turner Gordon is pleased to announce that 9 lawyers have been included in the 2020 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America. Since it was first published in 1983, Best Lawyers has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence.
Eric Olsen Awarded
Garman Turner Gordon attorney Eric R. Olsen was recently recognized by Best Lawyers as the 2020 “Lawyer of the Year” for Litigation – Real Estate in the Las Vegas area.